by anadi | Sep 12, 2017 | Athlete Performance
How to compare player performances Why compare player performances? It is essential, especially in team sports, to understand and to be able to compare player performances and fitness levels. Generally coaches would want to play the fittest and the higher performing...
by anadi | Aug 15, 2017 | Athlete Performance, GPS Information, Heart rate in Sport,
Improving athlete performances & training plans When it comes to improving athlete performances there is no magic button, sports analysis being the possible exception? Nothing beats the consistency of a well thought out training plan! If you want to improve...
by Julia Chi Taylor | Jul 11, 2017 | Athlete Performance, Coaching, Performance
There will still be a good proportion of athletes that were coached the old way… The way of finding fault, criticism, of ‘could do better’… There will be some of these athletes who are now coaches and may believe that this was the way that lead to their achievements...
by anadi | May 23, 2017 | Athlete Performance, Mental Preparation, Performance, Returning From Injury, The Skill of Movement
This is a subject I know rather a lot about! In a competitive running career spanning 43 years it is something I am very familiar with; and the fact I am still running and still aspiring to compete points to the fact that I have uncovered some strategies that have...